Spring Water

Spring Water


Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Hellen Keller

Home is not where you live, but where they understand you ~ Christian Morganstern

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Week 30: Duke Gardens

July 24, 2010

It has been so stinkin’ hot down here that I didn’t go hiking today. Last night I went with the girls to watch Julie and Julia at the NC Art Museum. They have outdoor movies there on occasion; it’s a very nice venue. It was roasting though. Sweat was just drippin’ off of everyone. It was disgusting. But the movie was great. And we talked about adventuring….I have lots of ideas for upcoming adventure trips.

Today I went to the Duke Gardens. It was hot again. This 100 degree weather has to let up at some point right? This is one reason I hate the south. I just can’t deal with this humidity very well. Parking was free for some reason. I tried to pay but the machine wouldn’t take my money. Woohoo! A free adventure! The gardens are very beautiful. I walked around the ponds, trees, flowers, and bridges. It was very peaceful and there weren’t many people there. I saw the roses painted red, an ugly duck, and lots and lots of butterflies. By the time, I was finished touring the gardens I was drenched. It is just soooooo hot! I also got a bug bite that swelled up to the size of a quarter. It’s itchy. The end.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of your blog. One adventure a week. Thanks for the posts. Keep up the good work and don't it might be a good idea to take a picture of yourself doing the same thing at each place. I've seen this idea done before. ha.
