Spring Water

Spring Water


Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Hellen Keller

Home is not where you live, but where they understand you ~ Christian Morganstern

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Spazieren Appenzell

On Sunday, my husband and I went for a walk (spazieren). To get out of the fog, we drove to Appenzell. It was a crisp, but sunny day with an amazing view. Not much to say, but the pictures are lovely!

This is on the play ground. What a simple but interesting idea!

We walked path 992. The abundance of signs in Switzerland
makes it easy to find you way when walking or hiking.

I found it interesting that this bull has a nose ring with spikes.
I read that it is easy to control the bull this way.
However, I don't know what the spikes are for.

Some folks on a buggy ride for the afternoon.

What do you see that is interesting about this picture?
You can comment below.



  1. The "comment" photo looks sort of like an abandoned drive in theatre with the speakers removed. What's with the minipoles?

    Too bad there isn't much of a view on your walks. Color me jealous. GC

  2. Yes it does look like a drive-in now that you mention it. However, we were laughing at the four identical farmhouses. The next hill over had another set of 4 identical houses.
