Thursday, I went sightseeing with a tour group. I met up with 2 ladies, one from Portugal and one from Italy. We hung out for the day while we were sightseeing. We visited several temples. The best of which house 1001 Buddha statues! It was a grand trip. Interesting culture, but not a place I would live or want to vacation.
Top 10 Interesting Things:
10. Japanese meat loaf is nasty, don't eat it.
9. Everyplace I went to sight see was very crowded. I wonder if all of these people work. And you thought there were a lot of Japanese tourist in America....
8. The Japanese are very superstitious. Bow, clap, hope on one foot while putting on your shoe...
7. Japan is expensive, more so than Europe and it is quite clean.
6. Little kids ride the train by themselves. Little as in 5 years old!
5. Starbucks doesn't open until 7AM! Although I was very glad that I found a *$
4. Everywhere is decorated for Christmas with lights and trees even though only about 1% of Japan is Christian.
3. Everyone wears a suit to work.
2. Vending machines are everywhere and they sell everything from cold drinks to hot drinks to beer and wine, food, cigarettes, you name it. And where there is one machine there are 3 or 4.
And the number one most interesting thing about Japan.....
1. The toilets play music. This is because research found that on average the women flush the toilet 3 times while using it to cover up any sound they may make. In an effort to save water, they added music to the toilets. The alternative to the western musical toilet is pictured below: The hole in the floor toilet with not toilet paper dispenser. I avoided these at all costs. I would rather use a tree.
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