Spring Water

Spring Water


Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Hellen Keller

Home is not where you live, but where they understand you ~ Christian Morganstern

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Adventure 1.1: The First 'Real' Adventure - Skiing the Alps

Sunday, February 27, 2011

First thing this morning I learned the importance of time. I missed the train. Not because I wasn't there on time, but because I had some issues with the ticket kiosk. Kiosk number 1 would not take my card; Kiosk number 2 did. As I'm running up the steps to hop on the train, I wave auf wiedersehen to the train. 45 minutes later, I catch the next one.

Destination: Toggenburg ski area. 

The Slopes! Green means Goooooo!
Watch out for Avalanches!
Good thing I have beacons in my boots.
Best skiing of my life. It must have snow a foot there last night. It was like skiing in fluffy cotton. It was fabulous! The scenery was breathetaking. It was quite foggy at the top though. I could barely see 10 yards in front of me. It was such as amazing day...with one little funny. I was admiring the scenery and thinking "Wow, God Rocks! He created such an amazing place, and then He sent me here." I was on the T-bar lift as I was day-dreaming and the edge of my ski caught. Now some of you know exactly what this means. Basically, when my ski caught I was knock flat on my face, feeting dragging behind me, still holding onto the T-bar. I'm not sure why I didn't let go, but they stopped the lift. I got untangled, then skiied back down. I looked at the guy running the lift, shrugged, and said "Sorry" with a smile on my face. He just shook his head. I'm sure he was thinking "stupid American." I can't help, it was FUNNY! I was the person that I usually make fun of. Apparently God needed to laugh today too!

A few things I noticed today while waiting for the train and checking out the vending machine: Capri-Sun is Capri-Sonne here. You can buy a pregnancy test in the vending machine. Yep, it's right beside the chocalate and cigarettes and get this....it's call "Maybe Baby." Ahahahahahaha! That is just hysterical!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow... A pregnancy test called Maybe Baby. That is genius. LOL. Those crazy Europeans... They have such a wicked sense of humor.
